It’s fun to learn odd little things about our fans, and we DO get some interesting emails!

We thought you’d love to get to know Susan Chatham from Love Arrested, Love Attempted and Love Avenged, by Doris Vilk.
(If you haven’t read them all, you can get them in paperback or Kindle edition on Amazon!)
▪️ First job that paid in check, not cash! Teen star on first #1 rated TV series
▪️ Dream career move: Win an Oscar, Golden Globe, and Tony as an actress, singer, and dancer.
▪️ Favorite foot attire: Jimmie Choos
▪️ Favorite candy: Godiva
▪️ Favorite ice cream: Pistachio at Mrs. Chen’s Dim Sum
▪️ What are you currently doing? Starring in “Merry Go Round”
▪️Favorite pizza: Veggie
▪️ Favorite movie: A Star Is Born
▪️ Favorite TV show: LA CSI
▪️ Favorite day of the week: Sunday
▪️ Favorite flower: Sweetheart roses
▪️ Tattoos: None
▪️ Piercings: Two
▪️ Like to cook? Absolutely. Gourmet dishes
▪️ Favorite color: Purple
▪️ Gold or silver: Gold
▪️ Do you like vegetables: Yes!!!
▪️ Do you wear glasses? Sunglasses (Paparazzi flashes are so annoying!)
▪️ Favorite season: Spring
▪️ Dream travel destination: Fiji